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Common problems of network interface equipment configuration parameters

2022-03-09 17:45:11| | 0

Ethernet configuration software is used to configure the parameters of network interface equipment.

1. Default parameters of network interface equipment:

IP address port number network working mode device address

Static: 10000 TCP server 1

2. Hardware connection mode of network interface equipment:

network cable direct connection:


via switch / Router:


3. Preparatory work

Ø network cable direct connection: change the computer IP to the following:


Ø when passing through the switch / router, it can be obtained automatically;

Ø disable all network cards except local connection in the change adapter management in the computer network and sharing center;

①; Open network and Sharing Center72.png

②; Change adapter settings73.png

③ Computer network connection74.png

If there is a virtual network card, Bluetooth, etc., it also needs to be disabled.

4. Software operation instructions

Ø when setting equipment parameters, you must first select the equipment:


Ø specific operation


Ø IP address modification


How to judge whether the IP in the current network is occupied:


Ø description of network working mode

TCP Server:79.png

Dam device network working mode

TCP Client:80.png

Dam device network working mode

At this time, the following two parameters can be set

Login package: the information sent when the device connects to the server for the first time as a TCP client;

Heartbeat packet: set the information sent to the server at a fixed interval.

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