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Linear transformation formula

2022-03-31 10:45:43| | 0

0-10V corresponds to 0-10000. If you need to set the trigger according to the actual sensor data, you need to calculate the trigger threshold. The conversion formula is y=ax+b, y is the actual sensor value, x is the original value of the current, a is the proportional coefficient, and b is the Linear coefficient, for example: 4-20ma temperature sensor, the range is -40-120°C, the conversion formula is: y=0.01x-80, when 20°C is the trigger threshold, the current original value is 20=0.01x- 80, the original value of the current is 10000.

4-20ma corresponds to 4000-20000. For example, the upper and lower limits of the connected temperature sensor are 0-100°C. but:

Write a linear relationship according to the conversion formula (y=ax+b)



Solution a=0.00625 b=-25

That is, the linear relationship is y=0.00625x-25

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