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Frequently asked questions about GPS1000

2022-06-11 15:32:56| Source:网络| views:| 0

  First, the current location information cannot be detected after successful communication.



A positioning state of 1 means that the positioning is valid, and a positioning status of 0 means that the positioning is invalid. 

1 check whether the current antenna connection is normal. 

2 whether the antenna is facing the sky. 

(3) whether it is in an outdoor open environment. 

Second, through the query instruction to detect how the returned data is converted into longitude and latitude data. 

For example, send the query instruction FE 04 00 07 00 02 D4 05, and the return instruction is: FE 04 04 42 20 1D 9D 29 C0



The returned data 42 20 01 9D is floating point data, and the data format is AB CD, which needs to be converted to decimal for viewing. 

Transfer to decimal process: 

When converting floating-point data to decimal, you can search for floating-point-to-decimal online tools on the web, such as:




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